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Folder 2021


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pdf 2-21-01 Final Report: Baffin Caribou Health Monitoring ( pdf, 1.50 MB ) (778 download) Popular
pdf 2-21-02 Final Report: South Baffin Collaring ( pdf, 571 KB ) (771 download) Popular
pdf 2-21-03 Final Report: South Baffin Composition Survey ( pdf, 1.91 MB ) (730 download) Popular
document 2-21-04 Final Report: An abundance survey of the Ahiak Barren-ground caribou subpopulation of the Northeast Mainland (NEM) of Nunavut ( docx, 9.19 MB ) (815 download) Popular
document 2-21-05 Final Report: Kivalliq Ungulate Monitoring ( docx, 5.26 MB ) (1013 download) Popular
document 2-21-07 Final Report: An abundance survey of the Wager Bay and Lorillard Barren-ground caribou subpopulations of the Northeast Mainland (NEM) of Nunavut ( docx, 9.19 MB ) (832 download) Popular
pdf 2-21-09 Final Report: Use of trail cameras to estimate cow:calf ratios, calf mortality and predator abundance on the Bathurst caribou herd calving grounds ( pdf, 3.02 MB ) (720 download) Popular
pdf 2-21-10 Final Report: Dolphin and Union Caribou movement monitoring 2021-2025 ( pdf, 690 KB ) (727 download) Popular
document 2-21-11 Final Report: Muskox distribution and abundance of Central Mainland, Nunavut (MX-11) ( docx, 4.65 MB ) (837 download) Popular
pdf 2-21-14 Final Report: Re-estimating the abundance of the Lancaster Sound polar bear subpopulation via genetic mark-recapture sampling ( pdf, 4.63 MB ) (718 download) Popular
pdf 3-21-01 Final Report: Bay Arctic Char with Emphasis on the Fishery Independent Sampling of Cambridge Lauchlan River Stock: Year 3 of 5 ( pdf, 427 KB ) (682 download) Popular
pdf 3-21-03 Final Report: High Arctic Beluga Whale Stock Structure ( pdf, 371 KB ) (718 download) Popular
pdf 3-21-04 Final Report: Population structure and ecology of killer whales in the eastern Canadian Arctic ( pdf, 177 KB ) (681 download) Popular
pdf 3-21-05 Final Report: Inferring walrus distribution and stock structure from satellite telemetry, microchemistry, and genetics ( pdf, 274 KB ) (711 download) Popular
pdf 3-21-06 Final Report: Foxe Basin Bowhead telemetry, photo-id and biopsy collection ( pdf, 191 KB ) (676 download) Popular
pdf 3-21-08 Final Report: Pond Inlet Arctic Char Fishery Development Research Program ( pdf, 666 KB ) (687 download) Popular
pdf 3-21-10 Final Report: A team-based approach to investigate and increase the understanding of Char and Cod declines in adjacent waters to Kugluktuk, NU ( pdf, 176 KB ) (695 download) Popular

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