Media Request Form

Folder Proposal for Decision and Supporting Documentation


Toggle Title Date
pdf Fisheries and Oceans Canada letter to Hunters and Trappers Organizations regarding Proposed Modification of Existing Total Allowable Harvests for Baffin Bay, Jones and Smith Sounds Narwhal Stocks - ENG ( pdf, 174 KB ) (4233 download) Popular
pdf Fisheries and Oceans Canada letter to Hunters and Trappers Organizations regarding Proposed Modification of Existing Total Allowable Harvests for Baffin Bay, Jones and Smith Sounds Narwhal Stocks - INUK ( pdf, 173 KB ) (4128 download) Popular
pdf Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Proposal for NWMB Decision Regarding Approval of the Narwhal Flexible Quota System and Tag Transfer Policy Phase II - ENG ( pdf, 101 KB ) (4066 download) Popular
pdf Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Proposal for NWMB Decision Regarding Approval of the Narwhal Flexible Quota System and Tag Transfer Policy Phase II - INUK ( pdf, 403 KB ) (4123 download) Popular
pdf Tab 1 - Abundance Estimates of Narwhal Stocks in the Canadian High Arctic in 2013 (Science Advisory Report 2015/046) - ENG ( pdf, 715 KB ) (4300 download) Popular
pdf Tab 1 - Abundance Estimates of Narwhal Stocks in the Canadian High Arctic in 2013 (Science Advisory Report 2015/046) - INUK ( pdf, 768 KB ) (4021 download) Popular
pdf Tab 2 - Sustainability of a Flexible System of Total Allowable Annual Catches of Narwhals (Science Advisory Report 2015/006) - ENG ( pdf, 156 KB ) (4103 download) Popular
pdf Tab 2 - Sustainability of a Flexible System of Total Allowable Annual Catches of Narwhals (Science Advisory Report 2015/006) - INUK ( pdf, 226 KB ) (4099 download) Popular
pdf Tab 3 - Marine Mammal Tag Transfer Policy and Five-Point Narwhal Carry-Over Rule - ENG ( pdf, 111 KB ) (4108 download) Popular
pdf Tab 3 - Marine Mammal Tag Transfer Policy and Five-Point Narwhal Carry-Over Rule - INUK ( pdf, 114 KB ) (4222 download) Popular
pdf Tab 4 - Baffin Bay Narwhal Tour What We Heard (April 2016) - ENG ( pdf, 136 KB ) (4190 download) Popular
pdf Tab 4 - Baffin Bay Narwhal Tour What We Heard (April 2016) - INUK ( pdf, 217 KB ) (4132 download) Popular

Media Request Form