RM 004-2017 - Iqaluit - December 05, 2017


Toggle Title
INUK - Tab 08 - DFO Science Update.pdf (3169 downloads) Popular
INUK - Tab 09 - Downlisting of Peary Caribou under the Species At Risk Act.pdf (3544 downloads) Popular
INUK - Tab 10 - Pre-listing consultations for Caribou Torngat Mountains Population as Endangered.pdf (3128 downloads) Popular
INUK - Tab 11 - Pre-listing consultations for the Transverse Lady Beetle.pdf (3156 downloads) Popular
INUK - Tab 12 - Pre-listing consultations for the Barren-ground Caribou.pdf (3145 downloads) Popular
INUK - Tab 13 - Ukkusiksalik Management Plan.pdf (3215 downloads) Popular
INUK - Tab 14 - Allocation Policy for Commercial Marine Fisheries.pdf (3240 downloads) Popular

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