- Developed a wildlife conservation coloring book for kids.
- “Get Wild” calendar competition.
- Developed and aired a public service announcement aimed at increasing awareness of wildlife and habitat conservation.
- Developed and distributed a Caribou Diseases Poster in partnership with the Government of the Northwest Territories.
- Developed and distributed a NWMB Mandate Poster.
- Participated in publishing the original “Birds of Nunavut” book, and assisted with a more complete, revised version of the book.
- Contributed to other publications in the series of books on Nunavut’s wildlife, including “Terrestrial Mammals of Nunavut”, “Marine Mammals of Nunavut”, “Common Birds of Nunavut” and “Common Plants of Nunavut”.
- Contributed to “Qaummallakatuk: Science Ideas for Nunavut Primary Teachers (K-3)”.
- Provided funding assistance towards the publication of books aimed at increasing awareness of wildlife for Nunavummiut children including:
- Uumajat II – for young children, the book features 10 species of wildlife. Inuktitut and English versions were printed.
- Kaakuluk – a bilingual magazine for elementary school children.
- Uumajut Makuktunut – a book on wildlife for older children, printed in Inuktitut.
- Developed a presentation on various conservation issues affecting Nunavummiut at schools, colleges, and other community organizations.
- Provided contributions to research on “Gender and Decision-Making in Arctic Fisheries”.
- Assisted with the “Inuit Qaujimaningit Nanurnut Report”, a report documenting Inuit knowledge on polar bears from elders in the community of Gjoa Haven.
- Developed brochures to increase awareness about the NWMB’s role in wildlife management in Nunavut.
- Produced a fun, educational tool that lets children learn about marine mammal vocalizations and communication.
- Contributed funds towards an initiative to establish a community-based caribou and musk-oxen management program for Resolute Bay and Grise Fiord.
- Assisted with the costs of projects to help improve marine mammal harvest reporting rates, including pamphlets and posters on strandings and disease in marine mammals and information binders for the local Hunters’ and Trappers’ organizations.
- Provided funding towards the production and distribution of additional children’s books on arctic wildlife:
- Avati – a bilingual book on elders’ perspectives on wildlife and the environment with a focus on the IQ principle of Avatimik Kamattiarniq (environmental stewardship).
- Maulirniq – a bilingual book that looks at traditional values as they relate to hunting, with emphasis on hunting at the aglu (seal breathing hole). The book was developed in cooperation with respected Nunavummiut harvesters.
- Pivut Volume #4 – a bilingual magazine for high school students; this edition focused on traditional knowledge of seals and the importance of the species to Inuit culture.
- Contributed towards the production of a deck of playing cards featuring 52 birds of Nunavut in Nunavut’s three languages (Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, and English).
- Participated in various events and presentations at various educational institutions as requested.