Nunavut Wildlife Studies Fund (NWSF)
The Nunavut Wildlife Studies Fund (NWSF) was created by the NWMB to fund community-based management and research projects in Nunavut, in particular, projects led by Hunters and Trappers Organizations. The NWSF provides an annual allocation of funds to encourage Inuit and community-based organizations to undertake and lead research projects that address community needs and concerns related to the management of wildlife in Nunavut.
Each year in December, the NWMB determines the amount of funding that will be available, and applications are considered by the NWMB wildlife staff and Board members.
pdf NWSF Funding Guide 2022 ENG (201 KB)
The Nunavut Wildlife Studies Fund (NWSF) was created by the NWMB to fund community-based management and research projects in Nunavut, in particular, projects led by Hunters and Trappers Organizations. The NWSF provides an annual allocation of funds to encourage Inuit and community-based organizations to undertake and lead research projects that address community needs and concerns related to the management of wildlife in Nunavut.
Each year in December, the NWMB determines the amount of funding that will be available, and applications are considered by the NWMB wildlife staff and Board members.
pdf NWSF Funding Guide 2022 ENG (201 KB)
pdf NWSF Funding Guide 2020 INUK (297 KB)