The management of the northern shrimp fishery is a cooperative effort between stakeholders through the Northern Shrimp Advisory Committee (NSAC). Representatives of the northern shrimp industry (inshore and offshore licence holders, as well as special allocation holders), the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), the NWMB, and provincial and territorial governments comprise the Committee. The NSAC provides advice and recommendations to the Minister of DFO.
The NSAC serves as a forum for the discussion of issues pertaining to the management and development of the northern shrimp fishery. The Committee provides advice on the following subject for incorporation into Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for northern shrimp:
- quota allocations;
- non-quota limitations (seasonal or size limitations, gear restrictions);
- conservation;
- compliance issues; and
- licencing policy.
Membership of the NSAC
Membership on the NSAC is as follows:
- one representative of each company that holds an offshore northern shrimp fishing licence;
- representatives of areas and fishers receiving temporary allocations or holding an inshore fisheries licence;
- one provincial or territorial government representative from each of New Brunswick,
- Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Nunavut Territory; and
- representatives from The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, one of whom also chairs NSAC meetings.
Meetings of the NSAC
Meetings are held at least once per year or as required based on one of the following events:
- new proposals emerge as a result of updated scientific advice or stock assessments;
- significant new management regulations are proposed; or
- industry conditions warrant a meeting to provide advice to the Minister.