FAC Background
The NWMB’s expertise is primarily with respect to wildlife and fisheries management. Allocation decisions in Nunavut’s growing marine fisheries must necessarily take into account fundamental socio-economic, governance, business, employment and development issues - including access by communities and others competing for limited fisheries resources and benefits. Significant developments in the Nunavut fishery included the adoption of the 2005 Nunavut Fisheries Strategy to guide future development, and the completion of an independent Organizational and Performance Review of Nunavut’s Offshore Fishing Industry in 2006 to assist in fisheries policy and program development, strategic planning and investment decisions. This offshore review recommended that a Fisheries Advisory Committee (FAC) be established to provide the NWMB with transparent and objective advice on access and allocation issues in Nunavut fisheries.
The Government of Nunavut (GN) and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) - authors of the Nunavut Economic Development Strategy (2003) and the Nunavut Fisheries Strategy (2005) - have the necessary experience, knowledge, and authority to recognize and appoint qualified individuals to the FAC to provide informed and independent advice. In 2007 the Nunavut FAC was established by the NWMB to assist in integrating the interests of fisheries management, conservation, governance and development, and to provide independent advice to the NWMB on the allocation of fisheries resources in Nunavut’s adjacent waters. The FAC’s advice will be based primarily upon the Fisheries Allocation Policy, as well as a review and analysis of Governance, Business, Benefits and Stewardship Plans provided by applicants, and of Annual Reports submitted by those fishing enterprises that received allocations from the NWMB in the previous year.
1.0 FAC Mandate
The primary mandate of the FAC is to provide advice to the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) on the allocation of commercial fisheries resources, i.e. Greenland halibut (turbot) and shrimp and any other fish species which may achieve commercial status, within the Nunavut Settlement Area (NSA) and within Nunavut adjacent waters outside of the NSA defined in the Nunavut Agreement as Zones I and II.
Ancillary Committee mandates also include the provision of advice to the NWMB on confidentiality issues and on allocations in emerging marine fisheries, and to the IWG (Industry Working Group) on the Developmental Rebate on levees applicable to individual enterprises with respect to their annual payments to the Exploratory Fisheries Fund.
2.0 Roles & Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of the Committee include:
· To review and assess applications, including Governance, Business, Benefits and Stewardship Plans, submitted to the NWMB for commercial marine fisheries allocations;
· To undertake a review and assessment of the annual reports submitted by each recipient of quota;
· To make recommendations to the NWMB on the allocation of Nunavut fisheries resources based upon the review and analysis of formally submitted applications and, where applicable, annual reports;
· To assist and provide advice to the NWMB, as requested, with respect to the assessment of applications for allocations in emerging marine fisheries;
· To assist and provide advice to the IWG (Industry Working Group), as requested, with respect to the implementation and administration of the proposed Exploratory Fisheries Fund and the calculation of individual Developmental Rebates;
· To provide advice, as requested by the NWMB, GN and/or NTI, on overall fisheries development issues in Nunavut;
· To provide advice and recommendations on confidentiality issues, i.e. what information should or should not be deemed confidential; and
· Any other objectives that the NWMB may request the Committee to undertake.
3.0 Composition of Committee
The membership of the Committee includes five members appointed by the following organizations:
· Two members appointed by Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, one an industry expert and the other a Qaujimanilik (a person recognized by Inuit as having an in-depth knowledge of issues essential to the success of the fishery);
· Two members appointed by the Government of Nunavut, one an industry expert and the other a Qaujimanilik;
· One member appointed by the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board.
Members are appointed by the respective organizations based upon their knowledge and experience of fisheries-related issues in Nunavut, including their knowledge of social, economic, governance, business, employment and development issues related to commercial marine fisheries. Upon selection, the Committee members will appoint a chairperson and vice-chairperson. Although members are appointed by the foregoing organizations, once appointed these individuals will perform their duties independently, impartially and in the public interest.